Droit sur les tests. Droit sur la conception.

Des solutions de test d’antennes et d’exposition aux radiofréquences sur mesure pour évaluer les performances de votre produit sans fil et lui garantir un accès rapide aux marchés internationaux. Nous sommes un laboratoire de tests accrédité.

Dernières nouvelles

New Harmonized Cybersecurity Standards Published

Critical notice: The European Commission has listed  EN 18031 cybersecurity standards in the Official Journal. Lire la suite

Upcoming Cybersecurity Standards for Europe in 2025

Starting August 2025, new EU cybersecurity regulations will apply to radio equipment. These standards focus on protecting networks, user privacy, and preventing fraud. Prepare for the upcoming changes to stay compliant. Lire la suite

The Transition from ISED RSS-102 Issue 5 to Issue 6 Is Complete

Verkotan SAR Test Laboratory announces compliance with ISED RSS-102 Issue 6, ensuring high-quality testing for Canadian products. Lire la suite

Verkotan in the Heart of Electronica 2024

Verkotan visited Electronica 2024 in Munich, where we got a firsthand look at the latest in AI, sustainability, and mobility. It was a great chance to connect with industry leaders and learn about emerging trends. Lire la suite