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Últimas noticias

Breakthrough in Wireless Communications: Precise Indoor Location Tracking for People and Objects

A groundbreaking advancement in wireless communications technology holds the promise of revolutionizing indoor navigation and safety. This new development can precisely pinpoint the locations of people and objects indoors, opening up a wide array of applications that can significantly enhance public safety and accessibility. Lee mas

Verkotan Advances Nerve Stimulation Testing with DASY8 Module WPT V2.6+

Verkotan enhances nerve stimulation testing with the DASY8 Module WPT V2.6+, ensuring compliance with safety standards and supporting wireless technology development. Lee mas

NEWS: Verkotan at Eurosatory 2024 in Paris: Observing the Future of Defense and Security

Verkotan attended Eurosatory 2024 in Paris, a premier defense and security exhibition. The event, featuring over 2,000 exhibitors from 62 countries and attracting 62,000 visitors, highlighted advancements in defense amidst global challenges. Lee mas

Verkotan Achieves ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accreditation for EMC test services

Verkotan has achieved ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation, significantly expanding our capabilities in testing wireless devices. This accreditation allows us to provide precise and reliable testing services, ensuring that electronic devices meet stringent performance and regulatory standards Lee mas