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Verkotan− A Reliable Partner in Mobile Device Testing

Multiple technologies and radios are used for wireless communication connections. For example, phones that have the 2G to 5G cellular radios, Wireless LAN, Multiple satellite positioning systems, Bluetooth and Near-Field Communication all have their own specific requirements. We at Verkotan test all of the above and more, in order to help our customers to bring new devices to the market.

By Oona | on 06.05.2020 at 15:39 GMT+0200. | Modified 22.07.2021 at 09:40 GMT+0200.

Verkotan− A Reliable Partner in Mobile Device Testing

In order for the radio connections to work properly on a phone, a phone requires a lots of antennas. The phone might require even more than 10 antennas. As a company specialized in radio technology, we are a great partner for our customers in need of mobile device testing.

Measurements of radio devices must be done in a shielded, interference protected room in order to guarantee an objective and accurate measurement result. We at Verkotan have three of these anechoic chambers. The standardization of the mobile device testing situation also includes a phantom head a hand holding the phone.

High-performance phones are important for user satisfaction and in order for the entire mobile network to operate flexibly.

Tekniikan Maailma, a Finnish technology magazine, wrote an article about mobile device testing and Verkotan, you can read the article from here.

Verkotan is always happy to provide more detailed information and make a proposal how we can verify the performance of your wireless device in the global environment.

Remember to follow our social media channels to keep updated about the latest news in the world of wireless technology!

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact us. We are happy to help you!

Ilpo Vilén

Sales & Marketing Manager

+358 44 240 4198