IoT OTA Measurements

Verkotan can verify the wireless performance of your IoT device in a controlled anechoic chamber environment before the market entry. We help you to expedite the market entry of your product by testing and evaluating the performance of your IoT device. We provide reliable IoT measurement results tailored to your needs.

IoT OTA Testing Capability

Radiated Power & Sensitivity Measurements

  • LTE-M
  • NB1 (NB-IoT) TRP&TIS
  • Intermediate Channel Degradation Test
  • Power Consumption Measurement
Narrowband-IoT Technology

NB-IoT technology uses existing cellular network infrastructure to deliver excellent coverage and reliable connectivity. This approach is becoming adopted by major worldwide operators. OTA testing is critical for operators to qualify the interoperability and compliance of their NB-IoT devices. This is particularly important when a third-party enclosure is used with the device since the antenna coverage effects could be limited.

Verkotan provides the Narrowband-IoT wireless testing solutions and helps you to get your products to market faster with the right testing and insights to optimize your IoT designs.

Verkotan’s personnel is the frontrunner in the Narrowband-IoT wireless testing field. Our in-house capabilities allow us to offer you powerful test solutions to evaluate the performance of your IoT device.

Power Consumption Measurements

Power consumption is an important factor in IoT device design. In an IoT application, the device must operate in different states, e.g. data acquisition, data transmission, and deep sleep. The length of these cycles is determined by its intended use case. The battery life of a device depends heavily on its purpose, whether it is necessary to transmit signals often or seldom. Some use cases require up-to-date, real-time data, so the device needs to be constantly transmitting. Whereas some use cases require transmissions very rarely.

The ability to accurately describe the power consumption is essential in reducing energy consumed and optimizing the battery life. We provide power consumption measurements to optimize the battery life of your solution and determine the power consumption according to the user profile of the device.
IoT Testing Chamber

We can perform pre-conformance IoT OTA testing for LTE-M & NB-IoT in our IoT testing chamber.


This laboratory can be used for 3GPP & SISO and pre-conformance MIMO Measurements. In this chamber, we are able to create a radio environment tailored to a client’s needs and test the device in a repeatable and reliable way. It is also utilized for 5G test system solution development and can be used for GNSS, WLAN, and IoT testing.


  • Diameter: 6.0m
  • Height: 5.8m
  • Measurement Distance 2.2m

Measurement Antennas:

  • 11 pcs. SISO – 16 pcs. MIMO

Frequency Range:

  • 600MHz – 6GHz
Contact Our Sales

Want to know more?

We are happy to hear your needs and see if we can help you with them.

Kari Komonen

Co-Founder & CEO

+358 40 500 1241

Ilpo Vilén

Sales & Marketing Manager

+358 44 240 4198

Timo Ulkoniemi

Sales & Marketing Manager

+358 40 8469063

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