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Verkotan Company From The Inside: Interview with Wireless Performance Test Engineering Trainee

Verkotan values its trainees. Trainees get to learn and utilise their knowledge in real working environment while Verkotan gets fresh spirit and innovative ideas. Both sides have found this to be a well working combo.

By Oona | on 20.05.2020 at 08:24 GMT+0200. | Modified 22.07.2021 at 10:47 GMT+0200.

Verkotan Company From The Inside: Interview with Wireless Performance Test Engineering Trainee

We have earlier interviewed our Sales and Marketing trainees and today it is our former Wireless Performance Test Engineering trainee’s turn to tell about his experience with working at Verkotan. Mikael Malmi, a fourth-year Computer Science Engineering student at the University of Oulu shares his view about his trainee period at Verkotan.

What was your position and what were your responsibilities in this position?

My position was a Wireless Performance Test Engineer. My responsibilities included mainly OTA testing, but I also did other types of tests and testing tasks.

How did you find out about the open position?

I found out about the position when I visited the company representatives stand at Pesti päivät -event in January 2019 and decided to apply.

What did you like the most in the working process?

I enjoyed the project type of testing. In every project the goal is a bit different, so the tests we do are thus also different.

How was the adaptation to the team and what it felt like to work for a whole summer at Verkotan?

It was easy. Everyone was kind from the beginning. The whole summer was really fun. Everyone was doing their jobs really well, yet they still remembered to have fun while working.

Did you feel that you are working for a good reason? Did your position give you the opportunity to develop skills for your future career?

Yes indeed. Measurements are really important, since by doing the measurements companies can gain more information about their products and the product capabilities. The skills I learned during the summer will for sure be useful in the future.

On that note, in what type of profession and position do you see yourself in the future?

Basically, doing anything related to software development.

Lastly, say a few words to future employees and why would you recommend choosing Verkotan.

The job is challenging enough. You will learn new skills and develop your existing ones, but still the tasks are doable. I can say that I’ve gained a lot of information about radio frequency during my time at Verkotan. It is also good to remember that you don’t have to know everything beforehand, your colleagues will always help you. However, of course, the more you know the better.

Verkotan is always seeking enthusiastic specialists in the wireless industry to be part of our team. If you are interested in working here, send us an open application!

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If you have any questions or need assistance, contact us. We are happy to help you!