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FR2 OTA mmWave antenna pattern test service up to 53 GHz

Verkotan has extended Frequency Range from 6 GHz up to 53 GHz in the passive antenna pattern testing for beamforming antennas. Continue reading to find out what does this mean for us.

By Riina | on 31.03.2021 at 12:24 GMT+0200. | Modified 29.07.2021 at 07:33 GMT+0200.

FR2 OTA mmWave antenna pattern test service up to 53 GHz

Verkotan has extended Frequency Range from 6 GHz up to 53 GHz in the passive antenna pattern testing for beamforming antennas. The higher the frequency bands coverage of the radio links, the more challenging and greater directivity is needed to compensate increased path loss of radio link. Beam steering is used to increase coverage area of beamforming antennas.  When providing sufficient attenuation of disturbing reflections in FR2 measurements, results will give accurate antenna beam patterns.

New technologies and new devices with wireless connections require higher speed and better capability of the networks so Verkotan OTA FR2 test service will serve the purpose of high-performance qualification.

AntView® – Antenna Measurement Data Analysis and Visualization Tool

Verkotan test chambers provide a shielded environment so that radiated signals of known power and direction can be generated and measured in the controlled environment. Antenna testing is important at reaching high performance in the 5G communication. TRP radiated power can be measured up to 44.5 GHz and antenna patterns can be measured up to 53 GHz.

Evaluated antenna parameters include:

  • Gain
  • Beamwidth
  • Azimuth Beam squint
  • Cross-polarization ratio
  • Tilt accuracy
  • Front to back ratio
  • First upper sidelobe suppression
  • Efficiency

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+358 44 240 4198

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+358 40 500 1241