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Verkotan has been awarded as part of the ReICOvAir project with Celtic-Next Excellence Award for Applications

The EU Celtic Plus project “ReICOvAir – Reliable Industrial Communication Over the Air” was awarded with Celtic-Next Applications Excellence Award on 2nd of December 2020. ReICOvAir project was done during years from 2016 to 2019. Continue reading for more information.

By Riina | on 16.02.2021 at 13:07 GMT+0200. | Modified 18.01.2022 at 08:04 GMT+0200.

Verkotan has been awarded as part of the ReICOvAir project with Celtic-Next Excellence Award for Applications

The mission of ReICOvAir project

The project consortium was driven by the unaddressed problem that there is lack of standardized methods and test systems for measuring the reliability and general performance of wireless communication systems in industrial scenarios.

The ReICOvAir project has the vision of wireless connections replacing or at least complementing the wired connections for advanced manufacturing and processing systems (industry 4.0). This will provide on the one hand more flexibility in the deployment of machinery and a reduction of the overall installation costs. Wireless communication is the enabler for areas which currently are not or only hardly reachable by wires. To be able to address these industrial use cases, it must be guaranteed that a wireless communication system fulfills the relevant communication requirements for a given industrial application.

The enhanced radio channel model for industrial environments was developed by this multinational Celtic project. The developed test system consists of a software-based and a hardware-based test bed solution which both were proof-of-concept solutions for testing the performance of wireless transmission systems, e.g., in terms of measuring and evaluating reliability, latency and throughput. A necessary rating system for wireless communication systems for Industrial Internet of Things was developed, standardized, and integrated into a single comprehensive software and hardware test bed solution in the ReICOvAir project.

RelCovAir News Picture
Software-based and hardware-based test bed solution is illustrated here

The research work has encompassed following parts:

  • A state-of-the-art propagation channel model will be enhanced for industrial environments: QuaDRiGa2.0
  • Parameters for the channel model received from channel sounder measurement campaigns.
  • Methods of taking into account the media access behavior in industrial environment based on RadioTransfer-Tester for Industrial Radio Solutions (FTT).
  • Software test bed for hardware-independent rating of communication standards.
  • Software test bed for hardware-independent rating of communication standards.
  • Hardware test bed for rating existing wireless communication solutions.

Verkotan is a proud member of the ReICOvAir consortium which was meritoriously led by the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS. Verkotan would like to thank all the project partners.

Project partners: CETECOM GmbH, Germany; Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS, Germany (Coordinator); Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Heinrich Hertz Institut HHI, Germany; GHMT AG, Germany; ifak e.V. Magdeburg, Germany; Kaltio Technologies Oy, Finland; Qosmotec, Germany; Sapotech Oy, Finland; Software Quality Systems S.A., Spain; Trimek S.A., Spain; University of Oulu, Finland

Verkotan is always happy to provide more detailed information and make a proposal how we can verify the performance of your wireless device in the global environment.

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact us. We are happy to help you!

Ilpo Vilén

Sales & Marketing Manager

+358 44 240 4198

Teuvo Heikkinen

Manager of Collaboration R&D Projects and Business Development

+358 50 553 8378