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Priority Project

We have participated to the PRIORITY project aiming at developing new solutions for Finnish Critical Communications Ecosystems.

By Lotta | on 20.04.2022 at 12:57 GMT+0200. | Modified 08.11.2022 at 19:03 GMT+0200.

Priority Project

Priority project is a project researching, developing, and trialling Critical Communications solutions for authorities and remote businesses. Critical communications are important not only for authority operations but also in case of cyber-attacks, major accidents, pandemic, terrorism, and natural disasters. It is important that different countries work well together to ensure smooth cooperation in the case of cross-border emergencies. Watch the video below to understand the challenge more thoroughly.

If you are interested to see more, click to watch Trial 2 and Trial 3 videos.

One of the most important goals of the Priority Project has been enhancing the existing critical voice and messaging services on commercial 4G and 5G wireless networks with broadband data capabilities. The project is aiming at improving the competitiveness of the Finnish critical communication ecosystem. There are four areas in which the research is concentrating:

  1. Availability of broadband services in remote areas
  2. Differentiation of service quality and provision for diverse needs
  3. Communication security
  4. Interoperability of dedicated networks and commercial networks

The expected outcomes of the project, among others, are technical solutions to be further developed into products, and new and evolved ecosystems in the area of critical communications. The project is a part of The Digital Trust Finland Program by Business Finland. Read more about the project from here!

Finland is a forerunner in the field of critical communications; thus, this project has been very interesting. We are glad that we have been able to participate in this project and take forward the use of new technologies to ensure a safer world. It has been interesting to be a part of developing, as well as understanding, new technologies aiming at better critical communication systems.

If you need more information, Verkotan is always happy to provide more detailed information and make a proposal how we can verify the performance of your device in the global environment.

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Kari Komonen

Co-Founder & CEO

+358 40 500 1241

Ilpo Vilén

Sales & Marketing Manager

+358 44 240 4198