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NEWS: SAR Value Surveillance on Markets

SAR value market surveillance made by authorities is an important part of making sure that consumer devices comply with the required SAR safety limits. Verkotan offers SAR testing services for different authorities globally to make radio- and telecommunications equipment supervision efficient.

By Pauliina | on 30.11.2023 at 17:27 GMT+0200.

NEWS: SAR Value Surveillance on Markets

SAR value surveillance on markets

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a measure which explains how much radio frequency energy is absorbed by the user’s or bystander’s body or head. SAR testing is required for the devices that are used closer than 20 cm to the human head or body and exceed certain power thresholds.

There are international and regional limits for SAR exposure. It is important to make sure the devices on consumer markets are up to the same SAR standards as they are during the certification process. Different authorities around the world supervise markets and supervise that all products comply with the required standards set.

Why is SAR testing important?

The RF radiation of all wireless devices must be evaluated to ensure a safe and reliable use of radio devices. There are international and regional RF exposure requirements that are defined based on scientifically established health effects. RF exposure testing or calculations must be performed to ensure that the RF exposure characteristics of the device are within the required safety limits.

Our SAR test laboratories are no. T287 FINAS SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited by Finnish Accreditation Service (FINAS) which is a signatory to the ILAC MRA. We have the capability to perform SAR testing for example for CE, FCC and ISED certifications.

Verkotan’s services for radio and telecommunications market supervision

Verkotan offers SAR testing services for different authorities globally to make radio- and telecommunications equipment supervision as efficient and cost-effective as possible for the customer buying our services.

Our strong expertise in this field is going hand in hand with our quality management system, meaning we can provide high-quality test services on a tight timeframe according to our customers’ needs. We provide CE, FCC & ISED SAR Testing for devices ranging from small wearable devices to large base station antennas with a size up to 900 mm x 1400 mm. Verkotan’s SAR test facilities are equipped with the premier supplier of SAR test systems: SPEAG.

Request More Info

If you need more information, Verkotan is always happy to provide more detailed information. We are always ready to make a proposal about how we can help you to verify the performance of your device in the global environment. Visit our Over-the-Air wireless performance testing and RF exposure testing service pages to find more information about our main services.

With our help, you can offer the best user experience for your customers.

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact us. We are happy to help you!

Miia Nurkkala

Co-Founder & Laboratory Manager

+358 40 543 1462

Ilpo Vilén

Sales & Marketing Manager

+358 44 240 4198

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