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Verkotan Oy is ready to provide CTIA and Wi-Fi alliance authorized Wlan-n testing

Verkotan is an excellent example of a spin off company that becomes alive after former company disappears

By Oona | on 03.09.2015 at 11:56 GMT+0200. | Modified 13.07.2020 at 13:13 GMT+0200.

Verkotan Oy is ready to provide CTIA and Wi-Fi alliance authorized Wlan-n testing

Verkotan Oy has been authorized for CTIA and Wi-Fi Alliance Test Plan for RF performance Evaluation of Wi-Fi Mobile Converged Devices revision 2.0.1 In the CWG call June 17th, 2015, it was decided that revision 2.0.1 would become a requirement for certification testing 3 months after the CWG call scheduled for July 1st, 2015. Therefore, revision 2.0.1 will be required on October 1st, 2015.