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Verkotan Company From the Inside: Interview With Mechanical Designer

Now and then here at Verkotan we conduct small interviews with our team members to learn more on what benefits the company could give to the upcoming members and also how it can be improved. We believe that providing good and favourable conditions for work, development and communication is vital for the professional growth of an employee.

By Oona | on 05.06.2019 at 11:56 GMT+0200. | Modified 21.07.2021 at 09:13 GMT+0200.

Verkotan Company From the Inside: Interview With Mechanical Designer

This time we asked a few questions from our Mechanical Designer – Janne Paaso. Let’s get into it and find out what is it Janne shared.

What is your current position in Verkotan company? 

My current position at Verkotan is a Mechanical Designer. My job is to improve Verkotan’s Over-the-Air (OTA) laboratories from mechanical perspective. For example, with my improvement, OTA labs will be capable of handling heavier antennas.

How did you find the company?

I learned about the company from one of my university courses. We had a project called KARU (Growth from Sweden), where we did a market research and looked for new customers for Verkotan. After that I approached Verkotan to see if they had any suitable subjects for my mechanical design project for my degree. After the project was completed, I was hired to the company to improve the machinery in testing laboratories from a mechanical perspective.

Are you satisfied with your current position, are you getting enough knowledge, skills and experience?

It is great to work for Verkotan. It is good and beneficial that I can use my mechanical engineering skills in practice. My mentors are easy to interact with and they always provide me with the help I need.

Do you think there is a beneficial impact from your work to the company?

Of course, there is. As mentioned earlier, with my work OTA test laboratories will be more capable of handling heavier and larger antennas. When new parts arrive and are installed, test laboratories will become even more accurate than they already are.

What do you like the most in the working process?

I like it when the employer sets me a goal and a boundary condition on what needs to be done and thus gives me free hands to achieve the goal.

Say a few overall comments regarding your work, company or the team.

When I first came to Verkotan, my knowledge about radio technology and radio testing were rather narrow. It feels good to learn about this subject more. Verkotan team is easy to work and communicate with, I feel I am part of the team.

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If you have any questions or need assistance, contact us. We are happy to help you!

Ilpo Vilén

Sales & Marketing Manager

+358 44 240 4198