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Meet Eemeli – Interview with OTA trainee

Last week we asked how our SAR trainees’ summer has been but what summer looks like in our OTA chamber? Eemeli has been working as a trainee in OTA team and will now tell you what he thinks about working in Verkotan.

By Oona | on 13.08.2020 at 11:42 GMT+0200. | Modified 22.07.2021 at 13:25 GMT+0200.

Meet Eemeli – Interview with OTA trainee

Besides the summer period, Verkotan seeks talented trainees all year round and Eemeli has been working at Verkotan a little bit longer. Growing and developing is important and by offering trainee opportunities, Verkotan enables this for both, individuals and Verkotan as a company.  

Who are you and where do you come from? 

I’m Eemeli Tikka. I study information technology in Oulu University of Applied Sciences and specialize in hardware development. I’ve been with Verkotan for around 7 months, though only the last 4 months in the OTA team. 

What made you decide to apply for Verkotan? 

Verkotan was offering project possibility for University students and this seemed like an interesting opportunity for something I couldn’t study at the University, that being OTA testing. I wanted to learn more about wireless performance testing. 

Describe your role, everyday tasks and responsibilities? 

As part of the OTA team I work on test planning and setup as well as conducting the tests and reporting on them. Not every day is the same though, sometimes for example laboratory maintenance and calibration need to be done. 

What do you enjoy most about your job and Verkotan? 

Firstly, I enjoy the variety of the work and the amount of information and knowledge I gather from working with the team and talented coworkers. Secondly, the coworkers here are a joy to work with, not just the OTA team but SAR and marketing as well. 

Best experience at Verkotan so far? 

Finishing the report on a test case where I was fully involved in from the moment the client came in with the devices. It was very interesting to see the whole project. Overall doing work that clearly has value to customers is really rewarding.  

What are your hobbies or passions outside of work? 

Jogging, music, audiobooks, and games take up a lot of my free time. Traveling with friends is a joy when we get the chance. 

I would like to work with Verkotan for future projects and the final assignment for my bachelor’s degree. I intend to work in this field and make use of all the skills I have learned here.  

 What next, future aspirations? 

There are only a few places where you can get experience with the technologies that Verkotan has access to so make the most of it. Also, make contacts, they could prove invaluable in the future. And finally, enjoy your time at Verkotan. 

From here you can read about previous trainee’s experiences. 

Verkotan is always seeking enthusiastic specialists in the wireless industry to be part of our team. If you are interested in working here, send us an open application

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