Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurements — Large Antennas

Identify potential issues in the performance of your antenna already during the research and development stage. With our help, you can offer the best user experience for your customers.

2D and 3D antenna pattern measurements for antennas up to 3 meters in size and weighing a maximum of 150 kg. Available frequency range from 400 MHz to 53 GHz. Our in-house developed test system, extensive experience and know-how on wireless performance testing allows us to create custom-built test solutions to suit to your specific needs.

Passive Antenna Pattern Testing for large 5G Beamforming Antennas

We offer 3D antenna pattern testing for 5G beamforming antennas. The testing frequency for FR1 and FR2 ranges from 400MHz to 53GHz. Testing is performed in an anechoic chamber utilizing direct far-field and near to far-field transformation methodologies.

Evaluated antenna parameters include:

  • Gain
  • Beamwidth
  • Azimuth Beam squint
  • Cross-polarization ratio
  • Tilt accuracy
  • Front to back ratio
  • First upper sidelobe suppression
  • Efficiency


Our Antenna Measurement Services:
  • Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurements from 400 MHz – 53 GHz
  • 3D and 2D Patterns
  • Antennas up to 3 meters in size and 150 kilograms in weight
  • Beamforming Antenna Measurement
  • Antenna Efficiency Measurement
  • Absolute gain Measurement
  • VSWR & Antenna Matching Measurement
  • Antenna Correlation Measurement (ECC)
  • Antenna Polarization Measurement (Linear/RHCP/LHCP + others)
  • Other frequencies can be measured by request
AntView - Antenna Pattern Measurement Analysis and Visualization Tool

With our in-house developed antenna pattern measurement analysis and visualization tool, AntView®, you can easily examine the antenna radiation patterns. AntView® makes analysing, comparing, and storing antenna measurement results easier and more efficient.

AntView® enables fast antenna characteristics analysis. With AntView®, you can easily compare multiple antenna measurement results and present them in easy-to-understand format with colours, graphs, and parameters.

GPS Antenna Pattern Test

Our OTA test system provides accurate 3D pictures of the GNSS antenna patterns using feed-through method. In addition, we can measure antenna patterns without any cabling using Carrier-to-noise-density-ratio (CNO). Measurements are usually done in Free Space, but we can also use hand, head and body phantoms or even real people to see how your product performs in realistic, different use cases.

Antenna Pattern

Antenna Test Chambers

We perform all antenna pattern measurements in our large full anechoic chambers to ensure high quality results. To measure each point, the positioning system moves the DUT (Device Under Test) relative to the measurement antenna.

Antenna Pattern Measurement Chambers


  • Width: 7m
  • Length: 6m
  • Height: 7m
  • Measurement Distance: 3.4m

Frequency Range:

  • 400MHz – 53GHz
Contact Our Sales

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We are happy to hear your needs and see if we can help you with them.

Kari Komonen

Co-Founder & CEO

+358 40 500 1241

Ilpo Vilén

Sales & Marketing Manager

+358 44 240 4198

Timo Ulkoniemi

Sales & Marketing Manager

+358 40 8469063