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Internship Experience at Verkotan

Meet Ilari Kinnunen, who is currently working in the IT testing field at Verkotan as a trainee. He was really kind to share his experience with us.

By Oona | on 30.05.2018 at 14:53 GMT+0200. | Modified 20.07.2021 at 07:33 GMT+0200.

Internship Experience at Verkotan

Q: What is your position in Verkotan company? What do you do?

A: I am working as a trainee and my work tasks are wireless performance measurements (Over-the-Air (OTA) testing and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing).

Q: What are your impressions from working here so far? Are you satisfied?

A: It has been great working at Verkotan. Work tasks that I have done have been interesting and I have learned lots of new things.

Q: What do you like the most in the working process?

A: Learning how different devices are measured and all the things related to that process. The work tasks also vary which in its turn gives a good view on different things.

Q: How was the adaptation in the team, when you first came into the company?

A: When I started my internship here, I was introduced to everyone at Verkotan and they welcomed me to the team very well.

Q: How does it feel working with your colleagues now? Is the working atmosphere friendly and supportive?

A: Working atmosphere here is very good and I get along with all my colleagues. If there are any questions, I can always ask from anybody without any problems.

Q: Do you feel that you are working for a good reason? Does this internship give you the opportunity to develop skills for your future career?

A: I am interested in wireless performance measurements and this internship matches my education, therefore it will be useful for my future career.

Q: Do you manage to find balance between work and personal life? How?

A: Yes, I do. Usually I don’t bring my work tasks home, so I have time for hobbies. If I have some stuff to do at home, I also leave time for other things.

Q: Does it feel right and comfortable to give feedback or just discuss things with your boss?

A: Absolutely! I can always give feedback or ask questions if needed.

Q: Say a few words to our future trainee and why would you advise Verkotan?

A: Work tasks here are interesting and they vary so you can learn many different things. The working atmosphere is also great here. Welcome to the team!

Verkotan is currently looking for a Software Developer trainee. If you are interested, contact Kari Komonen, CEO, kari.komonen@verkotan.com